
Case Study: Biomass Power Generation

Utility Uses Farm Waste to Generate Power and Capitalizes on Revenue Streams CHALLENGE CDM was contracted to provide a layout, conveyors, drives, structural steel towers and catwalk trusses for approx. 500 ft. of the conveying distance. Total conveying distance of the product is approximately 600 ft. Conveyors were designed at a rate of 20 TPH of Ash. In […]

Case Study: Biomass Power Generation

Power Plant Improves Reliability and Uptime with Improved Feedstock Conveying PROBLEM Original material handling system design was inefficient created unexpected downtime and added negatively to production costs. CHALLENGE Redesign a material handling system for boiler biomass that enhanced feedstock flow and had a long service life. PRODUCTS UTILIZED Drop-Forged Chain En-Masse Conveyor A small power producer had a […]