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Increase Fertilizer Production and Profitability with the Right Bucket Elevators

Once upon a time, a football coach wisely proclaimed that effort without execution just makes you tired. Similarly, efforts to improve production and increase profits in fertilizer operations will only work with the right equipment. In short, when you need to transfer material vertically, you need a reliable bucket elevator. Several industries—particularly agriculture—primarily utilize two types of bucket elevators: centrifugal […]

Improve Fertilizer Material Handling Output with Reliable Conveying Systems

Every industry has its own challenges. For the global fertilizer industry, expansion and demand are currently high on that list. Over the years, changes in the soil and water tables have led to high demand for organic mineral fertilizers for their eco-friendly properties and effectiveness in growing crops. The increased demand has created a rise in price—but also an opportunity […]

The Importance of Matching Fertilizer Conveyor Systems with Material Applications

The global fertilizer industry is experiencing unprecedented growth. Prices are at record highs and demand for the valuable commodity continues to climb. The need for increased production is straining existing facilities, especially those with older equipment. But the high demand also means there is potential for significant profits. The Rising Price and Demand for Fertilizer As of December 2022, potash […]

Align Fertilizer Conveyor Demands Between Components and Material Composition

The fertilizer industry is a high-stakes business that is seeing a continually increasing value put on its core commodity, while trying to manage increasing production demands. With fertilizer manufacturers under pressure to ramp up output volumes, this billion-dollar industry is facing a growing strain on existing operations and its equipment. High-Stakes Fertilizer With potash at a per-ton cost of $383 as […]

4 Ways CDM Solves One of the Biggest Challenges in the Fertilizer Industry

Every industry faces challenges. For the global fertilizer industry, expansion and demand are not on the list of business concerns. Some analysts estimate a 14% annual growth rate, which would translate to an expected annual market value of $1.88 billion by 2020. This is partially due to the excessive use (and misuse) of chemical fertilizers over the past several decades […]

White Paper: Escalating Profits in Fertilizer Market Create Demand for Efficient, Reliable Conveyors

The global fertilizer industry is experiencing unprecedented growth and demand. As the world population rises and is expected to reach 9 billion by 2040, a constant, increasing demand will be placed on fertilizer in an effort to boost crop yields without the expansion of harvestable acreage. In addition, after decades of excessive chemical fertilizer use (and misuse) that contaminated the […]