
Valuable Insight for Making Your Operation Safer, More Productive and More Efficient

From blogs and technical briefs to case studies and testimonials – read and download some of our valuable examples of metalworking waste stream solutions, new technology and the challenges facing others in your industry with today’s material handling applications. To see how you can join our other customers who are profiting more from properly managing their scrap and fluid handling processes, contact us.

Dust to Dollars: Big Benefits of Effective Ash Handling

Key industries like construction and concrete are preparing for increased demand due to ongoing infrastructure projects and urbanization. To capitalize on these opportunities and seize a revenue windfall, operations need to prepare to handle higher output. Due to the upswing in demand for concrete in particular, the ash market is set to cash in. As an ingredient that can […]

Profits Through Savings: How Equipment Standardization Saves Operating Costs and Improves Revenue

Material handling efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to cement plants’ profitability – which means it should be among the top priorities of the operation. Multiple types of bulk raw or refined material must consistently move through the cement-making process, so conveyor performance is a chief concern. Any mechanical or electrical issues that occur lead to […]

A Blueprint for Minimizing Downtime: Your Cement Plant Profits When You Avoid Material Transfer Disruption

When you boil it down, what is the one thing cement plants must do to be profitable? Move material. Specifically, move material without disruption. There are many complicated processes in cement production. While there is a long list of equipment types at a cement plant, belt conveyors, drag chain conveyors, and bucket elevators are the pulse of the operation. Without […]

Time to Capitalize: Cement Plants Can Reap Revenue Rewards with the Right Material Handling Equipment

Projections are for the North American Ready-Mix Concrete Market (RMC) to reach more than $84 billion by 2028. Concrete demand is on the upswing, but the bad news for the industry is that higher input costs are shrinking profit margins. This means cement plants will soon face pressure to ramp up output, with the RMC market value projected to climb […]

From Waste to Resource: The Importance of Custom Conveyors for Waste Coal Handling in Power Generation

The Appalachian coal regions contain massive stockpiles of coal refuse, spread across thousands of acres of land in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky. There are hundreds of millions of tons of waste coal, leftover when old coal mines closed, that is used for fuel at power generation facilities. With many of these coal-burning power plants still active, […]

Are Custom Drag Chain Conveyors the Secret Sauce for Improving Revenue at Food Manufacturing Facilities?

The efficient handling of bulk raw material is vital to many industries, particularly for food manufacturing. But this process faces some challenges. Maintaining the integrity and quality of bulk raw ingredients like cocoa beans and sugar products are paramount as they make their way through each stage of processing. This emphasizes the need for reliable material transfer to increase output […]

Bulk Material Handling Improves Product Lines and Services

If you’re looking for Bulk Material Handling (BMH), you’re in the right place. In January 2023, Bulk Material Handling entered a partnership with CDM Systems, Inc. BMH customers can expect the same dedicated customer service and reliable material handling equipment, now with improved resources and expertise. To learn more about the partnership, enhanced product offerings and industries served, click here. […]

New CDM Bulk Material Handling Equipment Available for Several Industries

We’ve recently added six new products to our bulk material handling equipment lineup. Here at CDM, we always strive to provide exactly what our customers need to do their work safely and efficiently. Now we can deliver even more robust, reliable conveying equipment for applications across different industries – along with the same dedicated service our customers have come to […]

Bulk Material Handling Improves Product Lines and Services

If you’re looking for Bulk Material Handling (BMH), you’re in the right place. In January 2023, Bulk Material Handling entered a partnership with CDM Systems, Inc. BMH customers can expect the same dedicated customer service and reliable material handling equipment, now with improved resources and expertise. To learn more about the partnership, enhanced product offerings and industries served, click here. […]

Increase Fertilizer Production and Profitability with the Right Bucket Elevators

Once upon a time, a football coach wisely proclaimed that effort without execution just makes you tired. Similarly, efforts to improve production and increase profits in fertilizer operations will only work with the right equipment. In short, when you need to transfer material vertically, you need a reliable bucket elevator. Several industries—particularly agriculture—primarily utilize two types of bucket elevators: centrifugal […]