
Top En-Masse Design Elements for Ash Handling

Designing the conveyor from the inside out is a great method when engineering a piece of equipment. The full application and site details are collected, then the design work can begin with selecting the optimum chain for the application. Once the chain is chosen, the frame and components are then designed around it. That was the case for a new […]

Case Study: Power Generation

Ash Handling Efficiency Improves Operations and Reduces Maintenance for a Coal Powered Utility CHALLENGE A large +/-200 MW generation facility in Illinois had an ongoing maintenance challenge with the coal ash handling systems installed in the plant. Previous expansion left the utility with a range of different conveying equipment and complicated conveyor designs for handling the high temperature […]

Case Study: Biomass Power Generation

Power Plant Improves Reliability and Uptime with Improved Feedstock Conveying PROBLEM Original material handling system design was inefficient created unexpected downtime and added negatively to production costs. CHALLENGE Redesign a material handling system for boiler biomass that enhanced feedstock flow and had a long service life. PRODUCTS UTILIZED Drop-Forged Chain En-Masse Conveyor A small power producer had a […]